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Welcome to your new London Neighbours Community!

The London Neighbours Project avoids all of the social media algorithms and censorship that create tunnel vision and all of the self appointed "page admins" that kick people out just for saying things they might not like or agree with.

All opinions are valid and without a balance, things get very 1 sided and isolated on Social Media platforms.

So my aim here is to build a community of Londoners where everybodies opinions can be heard without fear of upsetting any moody mods or admins and things remain civil, without all of the spam and child-like squabbling.

Like a cross between LinkedIn and Facebook, without the automated censorship and the "pedestal sat" page admins, with the ability to find information easily, anytime.

So long as things remain civil and people stick to facts and enjoy themselves, then we'll build a great community together, without any US based companies getting involved.

This entire project, the software and hosting is self-funded, so if you do see any ad's appear, dont be alarmed, community websites can be very expensive to operate, but provide a far greater amount of freedom and content organisation...

No "timeline posts that vanish the next day" either.

I hope you'll take part and become part of the voice of Londoners among their Neighbours.

  • Rich changed the title to Welcome to The London Neighbours Project Forums!

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